Reeds and Staples

We are happy to supply additional finished reeds and/or staples for any of the instruments that we make. One finished reed and one extra staple are included with every oboe purchase.

Staples are normally the single piece type and are made of brass with soldered seams. Two-piece staples and staples for instruments made by other makers can be made to order by special request. Taille or oboe da caccia reeds can be ordered as either bassoon type or oboe type. Please specify your preference.

Reeds and Staples Pricing

One complete reed on a single piece staple: $50.00 each.

One reed made on English horn top (for 2 part system): $50.oo each

One single piece staple: $25.00 each.

Two part staples are also available at $35.00 each.

Bocals for taille or oboe da caccia: $ 60.00 each

Shipping for (10 or fewer) reeds and/or staples:
Within the U.S.: $11.00
Outside the U.S.: Please call for pricing

We do not sell oboe cane or reed making tools. For your convenience, here are two recommended suppliers for these items:

Cane Supplier:
Reed making tools: